Guys! please help me get as many people as you can to view my blog! i have been blogging for a year and i have what maybe three other viewers? please! please please help get people to view my blog!

Monday, August 9, 2010


So i have finally gotten a facebook search me up and add me if you read this and have a facebook, woo hoo!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


So guess what I have been saving up for an iPod since the beggining of summer and I finally have it I am writing this from my iPod it is about to die so I have to go... Bye

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Okay so here is the sad news... i didn't get photographer, nore did i get vice president sad huh but now i get to be a TA and do orchestra, desktop publishing and alot opf other fun things well got to go.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


So I think most of you have reached the point were you know I work really hard andso a school I am going for... Vice president, yearbook, and the girted program. I think sofar i amdoing good for the elections but i don't know right now. In year book i am hoping to get photographer but if i just get into yearbook i will be happy! And the gifted program test i had to do was pretty easy to do.
I also have been a 4.0 ALL year!! woo! And i did science olympaid this year! it was totally awesome. i got gold for regionals, elevated bridge but got nothing at the next but i did get 5th for elavated bridege because we changed our model!!
Gotta GO

Thursday, February 11, 2010


so today was this after school program called Science olmpiad I get to study Anatomy and do this building project called elevated bridge we are trying to build a bridge that can hold thirty pounds be super light and be made out of wood!
Well got to go explain more later!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Today, there is only one way to explain it....AWESOME! it was the school dance today and i had a dang good time! But one of my friends the one who asked me to the dance couldn't get in because he didn't have his Student ID and if you don't have your ID you have to pay three bucks but he didn't brind three he brought two and when he got back on the bus that was probably the only bad thing about my day he gave me a dollar because he said he would pay for me, i felt so bad like i was being selfish i wasn't like myself at the last dance i was tired and not feeling well. What was cool today was that i didn't have a 'I' so in this power hour i got to do what ever i wanted and not go to english! WOO! tomarrow i am going to go and practice my violin because my mom didn't listen to my instructions of taking my instrumants in and i need 40 more minutes by friday! i should take care of that tomarrow though.
Luv you all! and i hope you love my redone page!

P.S. i am still redoing it but enjoy what i have!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I know it has been forever since i have posted but let me tell you something that will last, FOREVER!
The last few months have been great! i found my blonde opnosisness (don't care about spelling) and it has been great! i haven't been made fun of all year so far! I have many friends and still have many of my old ones! WEDNESDAY, tomarrow is going to be great it is the school dance, and i have a date for it!!! EHH! (in a high pitched voice.)
In school i am getting great grades (that's a mouth full!) And so far have made 200$ from my mom because i have SUCH GOOD GRADES! BUT! i don't like english! i have terible grade on this esay because it wasn't personal! I thought it was pretty dang good!
Over the last few months i found out i may have a job next year doing what i love! Dancing! I don't know for sure though!
Okay i will admit it! i am a geek i am in this club after school called science olmpiad and i am studing anatomy! but it is so hard to get and memorize! if anyone has a easier way to memorize things the reading and testing and then making sure your correct! tell me what works for you! please!!!!
NEXT YEAR i am wanting to do something in the yearbook (and the cover) i mostly want to do photography in the yearbook!
I am now also playing the guitar so now i am a Guitarist/violinist!
On the side of my page is a pic of my hot guitar
WEll! post later!
Luv ya