Guys! please help me get as many people as you can to view my blog! i have been blogging for a year and i have what maybe three other viewers? please! please please help get people to view my blog!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


so well today's post is going to be rather short.
my halloween costume came today but guess what it was to short! it was choking me and now i have to find a new one i am fine with that but i waited that long for that costume for no reason!

Monday, October 12, 2009

WHY? have you not been posting

This post is meant for you to ask me ANY of the questions of why i haven't been posting i will put the answer on one of the bullets bellow so ya!
Oh and just so all of you know this is a contest of who can ask the question i love but like all of my contests you don't win anything but i will but a comment on you blog for you

Engilsh poem

so i am just wanting to show you guys the poem that i got 100% on in school

The road not taken
Two roads divereged in a yellow wood, and sorry i
could not travel both and be one traveler. long i
stood and looked down one as far as i could to were
it bent in the under growth.
Then took the other, as just as fair and having perhaps
the better claim because it was grassy and wanted wear.
though as for that the passing there had worn the really
about the same, and both that morning equally lay in leaves
no step had trod in black.Oh! i kept the first for another day
yet knowing how way leads on to way i doubted if i should ever
come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence,
Two roads diverged in a wood and i-- i took the one less traveled
by, and that! has made all the difference

This lovely poem is by jack frost and i got a A on it i may have missed something when i was writing in now because i haven't said it for at least 5 weeks.
Love you all and i hope you all love this poem if you have any questions on why i have not been posting (yes i am pulling from this post subject just feel free to ask me on my next post, LOL.
Love you all!


so today i made a dramatic recovery and now i am fine except i still have a sore trout and leg cramps.
so i found out just yesterday that i have a A- in orchestra! that i s the worse thing that could happen to me!!!! i need a A because you see if in all of my grades by the end of the term i have have all A's i get 100$! but other wise i get 10 $ for each A+ ; A ; A- 5$ for every B+ ; B ; B- for every C+ ; C ; C- i lose 5 $ and for every I (F but i get to redo it :) stands for Incomplete or they sucked and they get to redo) i lose 10$ and 100 $ if i have all A's by the end of the term.
so today, was a fun day but my friend Kayla is moving possibly over the fall break and i won't see her on next monday :(
Tueday (tomarrow) is the last day of the school week and a 5 day week end is going to be after that!
well so i will post again tomarrow and just so you all how read my blog know for sure I LOVE YOU ALL! and i am so sorry i have not been posting it is just with starting school again, I am SSOOOO busy!
Love you all!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


so guess what, this is a terrible way to start off my weekend
I am sick. i have
  • a headache
  • sore throat once in a while
  • i have sore legs
  • i am tired though i have slept through out the day
  • i have a stuffy nose (my mom thinks that sense it comes around every year it is probably allergies.) :0
so ya