Guys! please help me get as many people as you can to view my blog! i have been blogging for a year and i have what maybe three other viewers? please! please please help get people to view my blog!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

a dang sprange to a dang fracture

so on monday i decided that i could dance my recital and so when i got home from my recital my foot was starting to swell and when i went back to the doctors office they took a x-ray and found out that possibly because i danced i fractured my foot so now i have to wear a STUPID BOOT for 6 weeks but in 4 i can start to put pressure on it but still can't dance so right now my party might be postponed for 4 weeks because i want to go to a hotal for a slumberparty and i want to swim there... and i want to go see new moon. well got to go! nice to talk to all of you!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


so monday i spranged my foot yes i spanged my foot not my ankle my foot... this is how it happened.
I was doing a round-off toe touch and when i landed my foot landed sideways i put presure on it like i was standing up and when i did so i fell to the ground crawled my way over to a chair had one of my team mates go over and get my dance instructor and when she came over she called for a mom who was a nurse (I was so happy a nurse was there.) and when she came over she thought it was a popped blood vessel no, it was a sprange when we went to the doctor he thought it was a fracture but when we got a X-Ray it was a sprange but now my foot on thursday my foot is almost fully healed!
gotta go!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


so today there was a mile run and guess what!
I won 6th to last with a time of 10:31 when usually in mile runs i get 15 minutes i got a sixteenth place ribbon.